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Soul Tide | Japanese

Soul Tide | Japanese

Soul Tide | Japanese



The illustrations and music is good . The gameplay is unique for me . The storyline...honestly I can't read japanese and I'm lazy to translate things but I think the story is good too

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Witch & doll again. As usual, full of bishoujo with addition of live2d and sd/chibi form. Color vibe & UI are like alchemy stars. Bgm & voices are there. This is a dungeon crawling game with turn based combat, with too many descriptions about unit's skill (you need some math skill for better performance). Maybe waiting for your main language version is a better decision. Story is about human & witch conflict, player as a summoner (human) who can 'use' dolls from the soul of little girl until horned girl to fight witches. For now, reroll takes too much time & data. Reinstall reroll btw.



Very suprsing, like revived witch this game came out of nowhere. Can't really talk about the story and dialouge since i dont speak Japanese. Art is clean and stylised, 2 art along with 2.5d models in game . The same affection syestem you see in most waifu collectors but each character has a cute ''theatre play like'' unlockable story that will advance the more you invest in the character, Characters are very distnct from each other. all with distinct personalisties, voice and models, will talk about how they play differently down below. Gameplay consits from what ive experianced so far of 2 types. You start a map with your 1st in slot character as a represntitive of the entire team as a unquie 2d sprite. You are able to slect paths for your team to take, engaging monstes, picking up treasure, solving puzzles, finding secret paths, reaching the end goal point. Yes there are puzzles, basic from what ive played, such as navigating times spike traps, opening doors, using map quest items to be used on interactives, also there appears to be a puzzle event mode that gives good rewards by solving it in the least amount of moves made possible to reach the end. Combat, you have a team consisting on 5 characters that contruct your party, filling roles of damage dealers, support, tanks and hybrids of borth. Now this is where thins get intresting, each character has 3 different ability sets they can choose from the character profile page, allowing the entire way they play. For example, you start the game with a support as your first unit, having a heal, buff , single target attack, teamheal ultimate but when you reach level 15 with them, you can now change them into a damage dealing hybrid with an entirely different set of 4 skills, changing the entire way they work within your team, i think the next breakpoint is level 30 where you unlock the 3d selection of skills for that character, this allows for an amazing variety for the 5 characters in the team. You start fights on a turn based rpg syestem, characters have a turn order on the left of the screen to show which characters go in order. Standard rpg turn based combat, fight the monsters, select your skills, heal your wounds, win. There are bosses and event bosses to change your teactics around, so there is a nice amount of statergy involved, easy to learn but hard to master. Music and sound effects are ok, very sombre and chill from what ive heard, on the games release, it looks like a few sound effects are missing from places you would expect a sound to play. Voices are nice and varied. The Gacha is also uniqie in that, it's a mix of characters, assist slot equipment, characters themselves do not have a rarity, instead characters are the ''SSR'' themselves at a 4% rate to pull whch considering that each character has 3 sets of abilities are basically 3 characters in one. So far summon currency has not been hard to come by, you are given a nice amoun of free tickets, also, a tip, spend your summon currency on the level up and begginer packs to get discounted summon mats and extra goodies and also on the 1st step of the current banner for a discout multi. Overall, very solid, promising, hoping for an english release so ill be able to understand the story.

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