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Kamigoroshi no Aria

Kamigoroshi no Aria

Kamigoroshi no Aria

Kasmi Chan


for those who are new..don't rush this game..you will get bottle-necked if you try to progress too fast..

my tips:
1) ALWAYS do the events..i don't know if they will do the same as the fanza version but the event will give you random or selection weapon tickets, costume ticket and that red stone that you will need to upgrade your characters beyond 5 yellow stars..

2) getting characters with AOE link skills are good for group bosses..single hit link skills are pretty good for everything else specially raid bosses..

3) gold will be a bit hard at the beginning but soon you will have an abundant of it since upgrades doesn't really cost much..

4) save your ethers! you will have a chance for characters via diamiss recruit and weapon tickets on events. I only use my ethers to purchase costumes. i bet this game doesn't have the R18 content the fanza has so pretty much the costumes are just for aesthetics and higher effects..so unless you really like the costumes save those ethers...the gacha for weapons for new characters can be skipped unless you want to get their weapons because the weapon tickets only cover previewsly released characters and not the new ones.

5) do raids for armors instead of gacha. you have a better chance of getting good substats without wasting ethers.

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Exstetra Exsty


Some main meta characters for those starting: Shizuku (Healer + dps boost, she broke the game prior to her nerf but is still massive, aka umbrella girl) Christina ( Blue hair mage, probably ur strongest if not friendly mage starters, not the strongest late game but will carry u through contents u need to clear as a starter to get stronger.) Mei (Ur go to dps pvp and pve physical dpser, she will always hit charcter with highest atk power, beware of high end pvp where pple adjust atk power. Loli orange hair gun girl) QianCao (Single target magical dps, Did i hear u need someone to kill guild bosses and bosses who arent strong against magic in 1 attack? Warrior Cat? Dog? black hair twin swords) Risa (Simple, easy, low end requirement power battery, if paired with Shizuku and spec'd atk correctly to not take umbrella's buff (or can), can make ur dps just.... obliterate. Mystic, Palewhite? hair girl with beret) Tanks: Anyone, (most will start with Hotaru since she provides mag def buff for team when farming the end game gears. Purplish hair sword girl, Tank) From there some go to the tank u get at 2-1 for more dps boost or Benimaru(orange red fire-y hair tank girl) if u want PvP tank. Gear stats u want: Dps: Atk > Crit > Atk Spd/Crit Dmg >Crit Dmg/Atk Spd Healer: Atk Spd > Block Chance > Atk (For Shizuku specifically: Atk just below enough ur dps to get her own buff but not the #1 highest dps to get other party's buff, atk spd, block chance) Tanks: Block Chance, Atk Spd, Atk, Crit/HP/Def/ M Def Mystics: Atk spd, block chance, atk, crit Runes, honestly everyone runs all atk% runes on weapons unless u need to adjust atk values then u equip crit/crit dmg/ block if anything. Rune on Mag Def equipment is usually Hp heal per attack for Dps/Tank or if u are seeing ur team not getting 1 shotted and dying alot. Majority of others wear Mp regen per hit for cycle consistancy and mana burns if any from bosses.



So far the game looks good the only thing in my concern is some VA is a little bit off or i would say some voice are missing but other than that gameplay wise it's a decent game.[開心]

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