Really cute bonsai game. The livlies are endearing and there's a lot of customization options. Very low maintenance and easy to pick up, but it's really more fun with friends.
Recommended for busy or laidback people, it's even easier than Tamagotchi.
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3.8I have been played this game for about 3 months, when game had just released. I found it really addictive lol. You can: collect cute creatures, take care of them, buy foods to feed them, buy decorations for your home, dress yourself, water other's plant, collect fruits from friends' tree, make your creatures in different ones by giving them a potion - made from collected fruits, interact with your friends. I highly recommend to people who love to play relaxing idle game and decorating one's house with cute decorations!
1.0不管运营操作不社交的话换装不同池的因为色调大小位置差很多其实很难搭在一起 运营不喜欢修bug(最多就修修显示问题),也不处理有问题的玩家(洗版/开免洗刷东西/RMT的),基本不会给补偿 很多人有事没事就洗版骂这个骂那个抹黑说人是黑商(虽然本身就很多黑商) 无氪一周能拿一次十连的gp,然而每周都会出一个主题大概两个池 任务数量要求多到智障(持有岛饰or服饰4万(是当前持有不是累计获得)/做变身药一千次/变身五百次/等) 天井:抽同一个池五十次(gp限定)可以自选该池一个东西 另外个人感觉有仓检会出已有避开还没的 有两个及以上的物品才能拿去赠送交易 黑市:用dd购买,但是有的很贵有的很便宜,看准右下绿色污渍,要交换记得先看一下价格,因为黑市的物品价格和稀有完全不挂钩 交换/赠送基础运费每件30,果实也是一样 小心避开那个叫黑猫(光明正大告诉大家自己开免洗/整天用html/大部分活动要先收参加者的物品的家伙)的办的活动,会被人拉黑单 html码虽然能用(改变字色大小删除线下划线斜体等),但是因为算是bug不推荐所以用了有机会被人黑单 一些系统的设定非常智障,比如黑单 一个人洗了版拉黑单之后,对方只收到红点看不到内容,下次想刷了一解开又能再继续刷了再黑单回去…… 运营还有说抽奖结果是选人和连免洗帐都不去掉的等前科累累 —— 周年 周年福袋简直不要更智障 买15的只要3900,买5的买够15个要4320,而买2的买够15个需要4500 但是贩卖数量又相同,卖完才会刷新,导致没有赶上时间的人强迫买贵价商品 之后又偷偷去掉原本说商品充足的公告内文字