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Tales of Luminaria | Japanese

Tales of Luminaria | Japanese

Tales of Luminaria | Japanese

Yonda Eko Dirman


I'm kinda disappointed. this game have a lot of potential, but they ruined it with gear gacha system. it's a sign that they are lazy and don't want to put some effort to make or design new characters in every event and update. so I'll skip this game

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Vanus Tos


遊戲其實不錯, 人設中上, 戰鬥有迴避,有衝擊, 有QTE反擊, 有技能, 大技亦很華麗. 故事(剛完第一章)有全語音全動畫演出, 入城同NPC說話亦有語音, 十分用心. 多人模式打boss亦很有趣, 不是一般全自動遊戲. 可以當單機JRPG亦很有趣.

I think people are being a little too harsh on it, if it wasn't a tales game it would get more positive reviews. let's be realistic here- the graphics exceeded my expectations, imo way better than Tales Of Arise and Tales Of Crestoria. I comparable to the Naruto Ultimate Ninja games which graphics I always enjoyed. The gameplay isnt anything groundbreaking, but it plays very smooth and the mechanics are basically ToA simplified and easy to pick up. The gacha system, well, its a mobile game, but it seems very F2P friendly so far. Not too grindy at all it seems like. Its basically all in the equips and outfits, every character is unlocked when you get to their chapter. Story is kind of whatever so far, not as interesting as ToA but I only completed Ch 1. All in all, for what it is, it is a breath of fresh air for mobile games, Tales of games, and JRPGs in recent years. Give it a go! Thanks!

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