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1. 糖果獲取的來源不多(除非課金)不然有點難獲得的
2. 錢的收取方式有點不方便(可以理解這樣設計是為了讓玩家四處看看,但總結就是有一鍵的話更好)
3. 後期金錢的收入跟支出會差很多,收入假設一萬,但單買一件物品(一張房間的椅子)可能也要一萬,同時也有很多空間跟物品需要換,後面較多時間花在賺錢但不一定買得起商品


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This game is alright. It's not the best idle game, and neither is it the best room designing game, but it's entertaining on both aspects The currency to buy and unlock rooms and items relies on the idle gameplay. You serve guests in your rooms and restaurant. In this part of the game, you can't move the furniture. The game also accumulates money while you're offline. Like other idle games, Resortopia has a lot of ad options for you to earn extra money. The designing part is unlocked around 10 minutes after you started playing. You can move objects around, but you have to unlock the items with currency before you're able to use them. Fortunately, money isn't that hard to earn. A little bit later, after you've unlocked the magazines, you should be able to see other people's designs and give them likes. Sometimes, it can seem like there's too much going on. So much currency and items to deal with, commissions, expeditions, and such. It's what's keeping me from giving the gameplay portion a higher rating. With a lot going on, it can seem daunting to look at. The screenshots just makes the game look clean and simple but it's not the same playing it. Graphics are great. Some characters are cute, except of the main character [不滿] You judge

OtaQoo 91025796


i love this game so much! This is the longest I've kept a mkbile game as it's simple and not money-grabbing like many other games, but is actually really great and always has new challenges.

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