比較現時市場上的手機遊戲相當獨特。給人一種Witch House+Ao Oni+Among Us的混合體。遊戲最大的缺點是視角控制極差,配合角色控制時,很多地方總轉不到理想角度,會錯失重要調查點//迴避鬼的時機。
English Followup!
A unique game on its own. You can enjoy the game without understand Japanese at all, but DEFINITELY missing out a lot if you skip through the Story.
The crucial flaw in this game is the Viewpoint control. It is extremely difficult to adjust, nor does it provide a good view at what you need to see in order to control your character. Other than that, basically there is no escape once the ghost is onto you in early game...so, for the very beginning, that is why some players are having difficulty in completing the first chapter...
The AP Recovery Rate is sufficient, I am guessing the difficulty does get annoying late game so they make it that the recovery time is nearly as long as you take on each case.
The in-app purchases are decently fair-priced. So if you love this game, it's reasonable to spend just for cosmetics.
Likewise, no skipping means manual farming. And by design, no skipping seems fair too. However, that means time consumption is huge. So take your time farming. [為什麼]
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4.0this is a very interesting game I love it and puzzles game so 10/10 I like it
3.6沒有繁中評論嗎?我又來做第一人! 比較現時市場上的手機遊戲相當獨特。給人一種Witch House+Ao Oni+Among Us的混合體。遊戲最大的缺點是視角控制極差,配合角色控制時,很多地方總轉不到理想角度,會錯失重要調查點//迴避鬼的時機。 相對而言,比起其他同期手機遊戲感覺相當新鮮,而且恐怖元素也是只有少數手遊才有。玩這遊戲亦要細心有耐性,雖然一般重點都很明顯,但在同一個地方,有時要用「蹲下」或「爬上」等指令才能找到比較隱蔽的重點。 希望喜愛貞子小姐的你也來一起來找她玩遊戲呵![色色] English Followup! A unique game on its own. You can enjoy the game without understand Japanese at all, but DEFINITELY missing out a lot if you skip through the Story. The crucial flaw in this game is the Viewpoint control. It is extremely difficult to adjust, nor does it provide a good view at what you need to see in order to control your character. Other than that, basically there is no escape once the ghost is onto you in early game...so, for the very beginning, that is why some players are having difficulty in completing the first chapter... The AP Recovery Rate is sufficient, I am guessing the difficulty does get annoying late game so they make it that the recovery time is nearly as long as you take on each case. The in-app purchases are decently fair-priced. So if you love this game, it's reasonable to spend just for cosmetics. Likewise, no skipping means manual farming. And by design, no skipping seems fair too. However, that means time consumption is huge. So take your time farming. [為什麼]