Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space | Global

Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space | Global

Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space | Global

中田點心 Game Hunter


我認為這隻遊戲的故事十分不錯,包括男主角原來是〇〇〇的這一點,這到這裏我發現不能說太多......而角色們亦十分漂亮,不管是男生或是女生,但我最喜歡這遊戲的原因是它並不是多人制的,你不用與其他人競爭,雖說是轉蛋遊戲,但有蠻多免費角色亦十分好用,包括所有合作在內(P5,p5R,tales系列 至今的三個合作皆為無限期合作) 而劇情及角色亦為能無限期能獲得。

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This is by far the best RPG game I've played on a mobile. It brings back the good old single rpg game vibe I've been looking for. The stories are great, aside from the main quest there are also tons of side quests with individual stories each. Gameplay is smooth, but the best part is the beautiful music you hear and there are different BGM for every place you go. [哇噻]

Hender Wiz


non competitive single player rpg

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