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4.25Ahhh.. MOBAs... When you're thinking of MOBAs, I kinda know what gets in your mind first. Team Fortress 2! Eh?! Eh?! [開心] Sei! TF2 is not a MOBA! [發火] Lol. I know kid, I'm just kidding. [汗顏] So.... POKÉMON UNITE! Of all things that you might think that will get a MOBA, you will really least expect of this one. But Nintendo did it! Tencent did it! and why? Because ML sucks that's why! [怪笑] just kidding... It's probably because there really is a market when it comes to mobile games. You can also see it on how they designed their power ups via held items. If you can pour $$$ on this game, you might get those items leveled up faster and might give you an edge on early games! Heck might even the whole game because it's so short! Strictly 10 minutes per play. So this game is not good Sei? [難過] What?! No! It's enjoyable! Aside from the different feel on some skills of the Pokémon, it also have different rules and strategies on how you can win the game. It might be still the same "defending the towers" type of play like any other MOBAs but it doesn't depend on how strong the other players are most of the time. It depends on how much points you can get in on those hoops. You can even play this without killing others and just try to hoop if no one is looking or your teammates managed to kill them. Of course if you're already well-fed you can easily defend the bases or attack the opponents' bases. That is where the other strategies will come. Kill them Sei? [驚訝] Oh yeah! No such thing of getting killed on Pokémon! Make them faint! Unless we're talking about the Pokémon manga... That's different. [汗顏] How about the strategy Sei? Well... Just like on regular MOBAs, you can do split pushing, just focus on farming or get that Zapdos! Oh boy! A lot of my games are already losing games but we still managed to snag the Zapdos! But of course that's if the opponent can't defend their bases. There are players that are really good on this game and really hard to deal with. [厲害] Any notes Sei? Right. It's really hard to justify this game's difference with other MOBAs. It's quite something that a player will just feel by playing it. That's why you just have to try it! 1 round is just 10 minutes no more extensions by defending it and will really focus on how much score you can pour for your team and also the amount of objective you can get on each game! A losing game on this can be much easily taken back if the whole team cooperates. The game really focus on cooperating and being aware on the map (For getting the objectives) I wouldn't make a comment about teams and matchmaking because sometimes, you're at the matchmaking's mercy. If you are with a player that only knows taking down enemies? It's a losing game. [厲害] Try it!
Anime Lover
4.6I only have one thing to say: All those people saying that this is a pay2win game and that you will need a sht ton of time get pokemom are absolutely stupid and havent really played the game enough. Smh. You should play game game, open event and check them out, they are giving out so many things and also things that can max upgrade your items and upgrades materials too, you can also easily gather enough coins to buy 2 pokemon due to events but i dont know what will be the speed without events. Anyway, they will regularily hole events from what i heard. Go and try it, those idiots saying its p2w are beyond stupid.