Graphics and stories are good! I like the fact you don't lose any hearts when you try photoshoot until you select finishing photoshoot. So, you can check if your characters are enough for photoshoot and you can see which one to improve without spending any hearts!
I chose my favorite character since the loading screen when I heard YOOHA's Voice actually. He is one of my favorite voice actors! (For the ones who is not aware yet, Zen's voice from Mystic Messenger)
So waited to hear his voice more but unfortunately there is a certain time to have him in the main story. My only complain is that time takes too much. ㅠ. ㅠ Maybe it's just me but I'm really happy that I could hear his voice ~
More Reviews of This Game More
5.0Love it [色色][賣萌][賣萌] but too bad I'm not well-versed in korean. I hope it will have an english version someday [憋屈][賣萌] Edit: There will be an english version [哇噻] Yay! [開心][開心]
3.4Honestly, everythings good and perfect until I realized that 99% the gameplay here is the copy of Mr. Love : Queen's Choice or Evol x Love. I swear. (Then my mind was got suggestion that the developer didn't have their own unique idea for the game at all?) [憋屈][憋屈] But still, Day7 had finally do the great job to this game. Like how solid the story is, and with korean graphics by Day7 always looks gorgeous in any way. Then, where is the 1% of that 99% I mentioned above? The 1% gameplay which not copied is that we can change the clothes main character. PS. This game will release the English Version by Com2us.