I've been playing this game since beta.
Very unique and different compared to your usual gacha rpg games. Not very grindy, I'm not sure if it's a positive trait, but at least it is for me because I HATE over-grindy games. The art style is one of the best and the music is superb.
What impressed me the most is with how invested and ambitious the developer team is with the game. You can clearly feel it when playing it, with how they handle the characters and the overall atmosphere in the game. They handle it with utmost care. I feel very invested with the characters in this game. No characters is wasted. The story is also pretty good, though it's not the best out there.
The only downside is with the mechanic and overall content. Though, it's understandable since Rayark is still arguably a small game company and they're still learning with how to make a proper online rpg game which Sdorica is their first. But, it's okay since they seem to fix the problems with the new updates.
[2022-09-07] Season 4 update:
The story IS one of the best out there. I changed my mind. Season 3 had one of the most gut-wrenching story writing, not only compared to other free-to-play mobile rpg, but also rpgs in general. The characters were also very compelling, and had MUCH more depth compared to previous seasons. Season 4 is far from finished, so I can't really say anything.
The gameplay is getting a bit bloated. They added more game modes that are... not as interesting to me at least. The meta always changes based on the newest characters. If you want to get the highest rewards in weekly events, you need to have the best of the best roster with maxed out upgrades. The game is getting grindier for you who wants max rewards from events. It's also getting slightly more pay to win because of the ever changing meta. But yeah that's just how gacha game would survive in the market anyways so it is what it is.
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_yanch Fibrensh
5.0這遊戲。。。越玩越上癮~ 曾經玩了約半個月後放棄,之後回鍋到現在應該有兩年了吧 Sdorica目前有兩個季節,Sunset和Mirage 制作者已經宣布了第三季的標題自己去找吧~ *新一季Aurora上線啦~* ======================================= 遊戲 遊戲是由2D美術油畫,且以似皮影戲方式呈現, 動作 特效 聲音 音樂 等等的都做得很完美。 前期基本上是個湊角色遊戲,無論是0階還是3階都有各自的用處,甚至後期關卡的隊伍配對也會用到一階的技能組 中期是比較享受故事的時候,因為都會提供預設隊伍讓你看劇情,順便打打挑戰關卡訓練隊伍配對能力 後期會比較無聊些,但主要是打活動關卡和拼特殊角色(如SP角色,MZ角色,SK技能書角色等等)還有等待更新 ======================================= 遊戲更新時間 遊戲的更新頻率是每周三,大約周日時候會告知更新內容 每周更新的是幻境關卡的限免角色和關卡本身 每兩周會更新新卡池(新角色/復刻角色) 每四周會更新特殊卡池(提供抽取和換取以前的合作角色等) ======================================= 角色 每個角色有各自劇情和技能組,不同角色配法可以大幅提升連招效果。角色三站位分別金(坦克),黑(輸出),白(補助)。但特殊情況有些角色作為坦克也會站在黑或白位,所以配對時請謹慎看清技能~ 傷害屬性有三種:基礎,破甲,穿透 基礎:基礎傷害,先打盾,後打血 破甲:打盾時傷害兩倍 穿透:如其名,無視盾直接打血 ======================================= 特殊角色解釋:- SP角色:更換站位,更換技能組,更換風格 MZ角色:特殊活動角色,目前只有 夏日活動角 SK技能書角色:站位不變,技能稍微更改,更換服裝顏色 ======================================= 遊玩體驗 遊戲的玩法相對於其他回合制遊戲相比,嚴重依靠戰略和隊伍配對,不像一些遊戲,主練幾只高星角色就大殺四方 這個遊戲註重於隊伍配對,戰略和最重要的“疊Buff“ 這遊戲不像其他遊戲的Buff如強化加個5%10%等等的,一個合適的隊伍甚至可以讓一個角色從只有打出四個號碼傷害的爆發到八至九個數字的傷害 甚至有些隊伍可以變成永動機,讓對方回合數加到對面全場罰站。。。 關卡有時會有許多限制,隊伍配對錯的話根本過不了,反倒配對沒問題的話可以輕松過關 如有些關卡會敵人有Buff轉盾(當會補盾的就好),帶穿透隊伍就省下很多消耗戰的時間。 ======================================= 遊戲農度 遊戲幾乎不農,不過想農也農不了(除了探索可以農以外) (不過刷活動會蠻肝的) ======================================= 貨幣量(以後期計算) 魂晶量:每天可以獲得80顆 鉆石量:每周刷幻境可獲得50~130鉆石 (每登錄滿28天可獲450鉆) 金幣量:幾乎是每天可獲得的量=會使用的量 ======================================= 其它 體力:無體力限制,請放心遊玩 (有些關卡會有限制次數,但可用些許道具增加次數或隔天刷新) 貨幣:金幣和魂晶 (金幣用於購買升級材料和升級需求) (魂晶用於購買特殊物品和SK技能書角色) 技能特效:最美且最華麗的只有三階時的技能 劇情:主要是要記得時間線,如果打算了解劇情的話 (打角色劇情時是發生在主線劇情的某處之前或之後) ======================================= 課金 對我看來價錢偏高,自行節省 每累計登錄25天可以購買登錄畫面的寶箱,想課的話建議課那個寶箱,但在寶箱滿級25級時再買吧 ======================================= 抽卡機率: 三階機率和其他遊戲幾乎沒差別,約2%~4%左右 不同卡池不同機率 不過抽到低階的也不要難過,可以慢慢升 新手建議主要抽300鉆的卡池,鉆石消耗少40%也可以快速湊齊角色魂石(重復角色會給予多余魂石,幫助升階) 不過如果500鉆的有喜歡或有興趣的SP,MZ的話建議可以拼一拼~ ======================================= 謝謝您把我的評語看至最後~ 評語更新日 :3/5/2022
4.4I've been playing this game since beta. Very unique and different compared to your usual gacha rpg games. Not very grindy, I'm not sure if it's a positive trait, but at least it is for me because I HATE over-grindy games. The art style is one of the best and the music is superb. What impressed me the most is with how invested and ambitious the developer team is with the game. You can clearly feel it when playing it, with how they handle the characters and the overall atmosphere in the game. They handle it with utmost care. I feel very invested with the characters in this game. No characters is wasted. The story is also pretty good, though it's not the best out there. The only downside is with the mechanic and overall content. Though, it's understandable since Rayark is still arguably a small game company and they're still learning with how to make a proper online rpg game which Sdorica is their first. But, it's okay since they seem to fix the problems with the new updates. [2022-09-07] Season 4 update: The story IS one of the best out there. I changed my mind. Season 3 had one of the most gut-wrenching story writing, not only compared to other free-to-play mobile rpg, but also rpgs in general. The characters were also very compelling, and had MUCH more depth compared to previous seasons. Season 4 is far from finished, so I can't really say anything. The gameplay is getting a bit bloated. They added more game modes that are... not as interesting to me at least. The meta always changes based on the newest characters. If you want to get the highest rewards in weekly events, you need to have the best of the best roster with maxed out upgrades. The game is getting grindier for you who wants max rewards from events. It's also getting slightly more pay to win because of the ever changing meta. But yeah that's just how gacha game would survive in the market anyways so it is what it is.