Positives: Rather balanced roster with some very unique skillsets like Yondu, Magik, Black Knight etc. That is unseen on any other mobile MOBA. No rune system is always a positive. Great character models and map design too. One of tje best on phone might I add.
Negatives: Full of noobs and feeders. When you get players who die 5-6 times before 8 mins as teammates you can't help but go afk. Feeders should be permanently banned. Because of them the game experience for now is horrendous. Would not recommend mainly because of this despite the positives unless you play with friends.
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2.8Game is fun but its only available in asia so ping sucks.
free jsjj
4.6one of the best mobile MOBAS I have ever played. Easy to remember characters and associated skills, great graphics, great free 2 play mechanics, great gameplay but bad ping due to lack of servers. overall recommend to all Marvel fans and new MOBA players.