Ed Li 3.6 2021-02-09 19:32:26 Report 常見的橫向戰鬥RPG,畫面角色還可以,有韓文配音。 有很多不同的模式讓你的隊伍挑戰,角色養成也頗有深度。 開局會送10連抽,並且可以重抽幾次。 遊戲要用QooApp帳號登入。
More Reviews of This Game More
Antonio Castillo
4.0Great game considering the ammount of trash gacha games out there and the ammount of great gacha games like azur lane this is amazing
4.0I love it! Yeah, it has some problems, which have already been brought up and hopefully will be fixed, but its not a bad game. The goddess of war and history is best girl, by the way.