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Insane Trigger


un tres bon potentiel, mais jeu injoubale. dommage. peut etre que cela sera corrigé plus tard mais pour le moment c un grand non.

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game is now playable, the loading time is now reduced after maint on 17 Dec :v



I really want to enjoy the game, as I have been waiting for and anticipating an English release. BUT, in its current state I cannot recommend it. Context: my phone is less than a year old with top of the line specs, using a fairly fast WiFi connection; game still takes an immense amount of time to load basic things such as beginning a battle, ending a battle, opening a new menu/window, claiming rewards and achievements. If I were you, and you want to enjoy the experience—wait. Wait until these issues are fixed, or at the very least *minimised*. Once an update or global/playstore version is available without these issues I'll give it another chance. Right now for me this is unplayable, sorry.

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