Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars | Global

Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars | Global

Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars | Global



애니메이션으로 알게되서 게임을 시작한 유저인데요! 일단 이게임의 가장 좋았던 부분은 ur이 잘나온다는것 입니다! 진짜 제가 가차운이 엄청 없는 편인데 한번에 무지개가 3개씩 뜨는거에요!!! 그래서 이게임이 더 재미있어졌던것도 없지않아 있다고 말할수있어요💦💦 그리고 캐릭터 일러스트가 너무 제 취향이라 더 마음이 갔어요💕 거기다 노래까지 엄청 좋은데 애니메이션에 나왔던 노래도 있어서 너무 반가웠다고 해야하나..정이 갔다고 해야하나..무튼 그랬어요😊😊 하지만 카드 특훈시키는게 처음 게임을 시작하는 유저한테는 어려울것 같아요.그리고 그래픽이나 게임을 플레이 할때말고 그냥 메인화면에 대표캐릭(?)이 나오잖아요 그때 보이는 캐릭터의 퀄리티가 조금 아쉽다고 말하고 싶네요..ㅠㅠ아무튼 잘 플레이 하고있습니다💕

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I always see people comparing Love Live and Garupa and saying one is better than the other. Having played both of them, I don't think that that's true coz they're both great games. It's all a matter of preference. I think Love Live also have great songs and the girls are lovable as well. I'm biased to the Nijigasaki girls though, and a little Aquors. Anyway, I like how there's an AUTO when you play a song coz I'm usually busy and that helps me a lot. It also helps that there's a SKIP ticket - I use those a lot in events. I also like that you can still get cards on events even if you didn't rank that high unlike other games (Obey Me is a good example). The home screen looks nice too, not too crowded. Of course, like all the games I've played, I also have complaints. Like how it's really grindy when you're just starting out and how it feels like you've been grinding forever but you still can't idolize your card or read the stories or get the costumes. And a minor thing about the girls looking like each other... I swear, when I first started playing, I have a hard time differentiating Honoka from Chika, especially when all of them are together... LMAO.



this game is great you guys are just unlucky in a more serious note i lov le this game initial kanan goes brrr and carries my entire team. LOVE LOVE the card artwork it's stunning!!! The mvs and outfits are also really pretty and the Mvs actually run in my phone?? also. 4% gacha rate. FOUR PERCENT. I LOVE IT.

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