스토리 진짜 존나 갓
의외로 세카이 오가는 반짝이 효과랑 프롤로그의 검은바탕 흰글자 연출, 중간중간CG 빼면 화려한 시각요소가 있는 건 아닌데 그냥 시나리오를 잘 쓴다. 분량도 꽤 되고, 솔직히 미쿠빨로 운영할 줄 알고 굉장히 기대 안 했는데 너무 좋다
그리고 경쟁작들이 아무래도 거의 부시로드발 게임이라고 생각하는데 얘네같은 경우는 자회사 신인 성우를 고용하고 그런 게 아니다보니 연기력이 다 괜찮음. 마후유 이치카 에나낭 루이<-얘네 넷 ㄹㅇ 귀 녹아버릴 것 같은 수준이 아니라 이미 한쪽 귀 소멸한지 오래임 반고흐 당해버렸다
메인스토리를 타유닛과 공유하지 않고, 밴드나 아이돌같이 유닛 형식이 통일된 게 아니다보니 컨셉이 잘 드러나는 느낌도 있음. 또한 보컬로이드가 원래 딱 남성향/여성향 정해진 게 아니여서 그걸 의식한 건지 남캐든 여캐든 성적 어필/연애요소가 없어서 눈이 편하다. 남캐들이 플러팅 안 치는 것도 것이지만 여캐 일러스트는 진짜 확 느껴졌다.
게임성도 ㅆㅅㅌㅊ인게 보통 씹덕리겜이 이지-노멀-하드-익스퍼트/아무튼 최고난도 순의 4단계 난이도가 많은데 프세카는 특이하게 익스 위에 마스터라는 난이도가 하나 더 있다. 리겜러들을 의식한 것 같은데 개인적으로 익스가 밋밋한 감이 있어서 매우 좋다.
또한 특이하게 노트의 크기가 딱 정해져있는 게 아니라 같은 곡에서도 유동적으로 바뀐다. 롱노트의 모양이 더 그런 경향이 아닌데 줄어들었다 커졌다 하는 게 시각적으로 화려한 것도 고평가할 점이지만, 그 점을 이용해 가사를 의식한 채보를 보여준다는 게 나는 마음에 들었다. 가령 로키 마스터에서는 롱노트의 꺾이는 부분을 이용한 ROKI< 라는 글자가, 테오(손을)의 익스와 마스터에서는 "반짝반짝반짝 반짝여줘"라는 가사에 맞춰 반짝이같은 롱노트 단타가 들어가있다.
특이하게 버추얼 라이브라는 기능이 있는데 게임 내에서 3D 모델링을 이용해 가상 라이브를 보여주는 시스템이다. 진짜 혜자 기능인 게 현실처럼 공연 대기, 펜라이트 색상조절 및 동작, 응원복 등 온갖 기능은 다 있으면서 일정도 넉넉해서 시간 없는 사람도 보기 편하고, 이벤트 끝날 때마다 해주는 등 활용도 진짜 잘 한다. 공식이 그냥 캐릭터팔이에 미친새끼들이다 얘넨 찐임
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5.0Everyone in these reviews seem to be filling it with word spams, so I'll give an actual review for anyone if they see it. If you are looking for a rhythm game that involves tapping a screen, and has vocaloid covers/music, you are in the right place. This game has a very good rhythm game inside of it, with tapping that usually registers and with challenging charts as you move up the difficulty. The difficulty does spike I think between hard -> expert but it is just a matter of moving up levels slowly (or brute forcing it like my sister did, but I digress). The rhythm game is a very nice experience on both mobile and tablet, but I believe a tablet is better for the harder difficulty, however you should take that with a grain of salt as that is just my opinion! Playing on a wide phone is not a pleasant experience for me, since I have small hands, but playing on a phone is not a bad experience or anything, I believe the game does work quite well. The characters in this game are very well-written in my opinion, even the characters you may grow to not like. I personally don't really like Mafuyu as a person but her struggles and her character, for what it is, is well-written. The 5 groups in this game all have their each seperate story with 20 episodes in it, which you unlock by playing songs with cards of the characters in their respective groups, or by reading area conversations in the overworld. The episodes are not very long and give a good introduction of each group and character individually, with the event stories then developing each character with their respective struggles and dynamics with other characters. There have been many events so it is quite hard at this stage to read all of them, I would recommend to read the main story of the group you like the look of the most, and get to know those characters. If any of them appeal to you, then you can read the event stories surrounding that character. There are also side stories for each card which can be unlocked using in game items, so if you are interested in a certain character, these side stories are a good way to know them better. The gacha system is also alright, it is easy to tell whether you have a 3* or 4* based on colour, 3* means yellow and 4* means purple. The indication of a "flip" is also shown clearly, with the floor that Miku steps on turning into a purple circle instead of rainbow or the floor becoming transparent with the purple circle. The rate of a 4* being 3% isn't that bad in my opinion, and there will be occasional Dream Festivals, where the 3% becomes 6%, with special limited cards as well. The cards in this game are also very well drawn, they have a consistent anime style and are very high quality. In JP, as of August 2022 when I'm writing this, the cards have been slowly implementing a newer style with the anime style, with nice colours and illustrations. The card quality in consistent throughout all 4*s and even the 3* cards are still very nice to use if you don't have a 4*. Grinding for crystals in this game is not bad once you know where to look, (I'd recommend looking up some youtube videos before you start) and in the early game it is very rewarding, however once you reach Rank 50 and have played most of the songs with full combo's, crystals become much harder to get. It takes much longer to rank up and playing songs you don't like doesn't appeal to many people. Fortunately, in the JP version, the music library is much vaster than the Global version at the time of writing this. If you want a version which has newer events, more songs and a more updated game, then I would recommend the JP version. Even if you can't speak japanese, there are probably translations out there for the game, and the UI of the game isn't that hard to understand. If you don't want to play the game because of the language, then the Global version is for you. It is currently catching up to JP in events but it has many songs and gives you the same experience. There are many instagram accounts that regularly update and post about Project Sekai on both versions and there are youtube guides out there in case you are confused or need a preview of the game. I hope this review helped! ♡
5.0I'm going to be making a lot of comparisons to Garupa, also known as Girl's Band Party, because they are very similar. For being one of the first mobile games featuring the Piapro characters that I've ever played, it's actually really good. It introduces a few new human characters that are all interesting. Pros: Gameplay is similar to Garupa's, so if you played it you have an advantage. One difference is the notes, you can't really change the size of the notes in Sekai, and the notes vary, they can take up the enitre lane or be really tiny. Another is the character ranks. By reading area convos and playing, you can increase character ranks as well. The game has five difficulties, Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, and Master. The game can be played by casuals and hardcore players. So don't worry too much about game difficulty. Song list is actually very diverse, and include popular producers and some who are not as known. Mikito-P, MitchieM, KZ, Kemu, Mafumafu, Junky-P, Nero, and other producers have songs that are featured in the game. They also were nice enough to include songs from other Virtual Singers The characters are all really interesting and the voice actors are really talented. The covers are great, and I actually enjoy playing with some of them. Not to mention they're all really unique, so I'm sure you'll find a character you'll like. There seems to be constant events in the game, just like Garupa. So there will always be something new to grind for, if you're into that. The graphics are great, as excepted from Colorful Palette. The characters look so pretty, especially my husband Kaito. The chibis are also really cute. Gachas are a bit more expensive, than Garupa. But they make up for it by being very generous. Reading convos and increasing character ranks are very rewarding. Cons: Grinding in this game is hellish. Training/practicing characters is a difficult grind to do. I don't mind it, because I have little 3★ and 4★ (not because of gacha rates). Ranking in this game is also very difficult. There are about 20 million people playing this game, so obviously ranking is going to be tough. Rewards for ranking are decent, top tens usually get enough crystals to do one pull. The tunning for the Virtual Singers can be very choppy. I'm sure they tried, but it sound super off sometimes. The cover for Fragile using Len and Kaito sounds weird. And Meiko sounds too soft in Hibana. It sounds good in other cases though, like Kaito in Dappou Rock. It could be tuned that way for the human singers, but it's not fitting sometimes.