I really liked this. Sounds are great, the gameplay is simple but theres definitely content that makes you wanna play. Graphics really made me want to screenshot repeatedly just to show off to my best friend 23333. Each person has their own stories about how they came to be fans and there's a chatbox too hehe. I keep looking forward to the other characters' messages. Hope to see more content in the future!!
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Blizzty Gazzany
5.0>This game has a fresh UI!!! >All the music is superb!!! >The story is very realistic and addicting!!! >This game run 60fps on my phone, whic is cool!!!
5.0I basically am in love with this game! I always open this game in my free time and I like every component of Guitar Girl. Best thing is that you don't exactly need to pay for most of the things (except the seasonal pass and the seasonal outfits) and the more time you spend, the more profitable your game will be. And we can easily now get chocolates (an important currency) after the update because now we can just get free chocolate from increasing affinity with characters. (really good for f2p players like me who want to buy new outfits) Best thing for f2p is that if we are low on chocolates there is a option that lets us watch ads and gives free 10 chocolates, the cooldown is only 15 minutes so we can get a lot of chocolates by simply watching ads every 15 minutes.