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SINoALICE | Global

SINoALICE | Global

SINoALICE | Global



솔직히 이거 말씀드리자면 전위는 무과금으로 하기는 조금 힘듭니다
즐겜길드로 가면 상관없는데 이 게임이 콜로세움 위주다보니...하지만 후위는 지금 나온게 없어서 무과금으로도 어느정도 올리면 높은 길드에서 어느정도 받아줍니다
그리고 하이브리드형이신분들(전,후 둘다 하시는 분)
저 처럼 돈 투자할 생각 아니시면 하나만 하시길...(필자는 전, 후 투자하고 10만 이상 찍었습니다....백만 가까이 썼을듯...)

+현 시노아리는 현질이 극도로 심화가 되고 망운영으로 유저들 빠져나갈대로 나가고 신규유입이 힘들어서 진짜 고인물들만 남았는데
그 고인물들도 접을분들은 접어서 길드가 터지는 경우가 몇있습니다
섭통 한다고하는데 과연...유저들 모으는게 가능은 한가...

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Overhyped, a little bit disapointed.. The gameplay system is somewhat nice, 1 role only for you to play and the rest is decided by other player (support). And that guild colosseum PvP is somewhat nice. It makes you interact with other players. But it has a downside of PvP with 'rely heavily on gacha' game. The visual is simple but interesting, not overwhelmingly amazing.. but still nice. I like the character design. The story.. i'm not sure this game even has the storytelling component. It's just some monologue line.. and a few dialogue with the duo-puppet. This is the bad part. This game rely heavily on gacha. Just like other Japanese game. Yes, maybe in the future we can obtain more weapons. But for now, whoever goes for pure F2P, i'm not sure pure F2P would be able to enjoy this. I'm not sure what is this game main sellpoint.. is it the gameplay? PvP? gacha? storyline? Maybe the world setting? i don't know. for example (in my opinion): FGO main sellpoint is the story and illustration. Arknights in the gameplay. Azur Lane in the illustration. Girls' Frontline in the PTSD gameplay and story... <edit> However, you maybe found this game enjoyable. Because i did at early phase. As time flies, doing gacha if you're a job collector and colloseum(PvP) if you're competitive can hurt you enough. And all the points i mention that makes it kinda boring. "Hey, but it's Yoko Taro games!". Yes, but no. We will have a new Yoko Taro game and maybe it's better to invest your time in that game and leave this one(imo). </edit>

Tân Nguyễn


Overhype? Not so sure about that. The game have a unique dark story line with fragments of stories that you can find when you spend your time upgrade characters's class, and from the weapons itself And like Yoko Taro said: You don't need a full story, because you already know it so many time in your childhood, what you need here is the twisted parts of the story The art is good enough (and you will see somewhat better content later) The mechanism is simple to understand, and with the class system you can choose to play however you want, especially when go Colosseum with Guild member The gacha is not too bad, and from my F2P viewpoint, it maybe a bit grindy, but you can expect to get strong weapon and class Edit 1: For those who said "iT JuSt lIkE iDlE GaMe": ARE YOU EVEN TRYING??? Because when you reach certain stage with requirement CP >30K, things getting harder and you won't want to use Auto mode

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