Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM

Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM

Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM

Aditya Ramadhan


untuk yg bisa masuk, makanya kelakuan meski di gaming dijaga to ya. nah giliran yg gk bisa masuk gini gimana dah. kusih bisa masuk.

yg g bisa silakan konsultasi ke bot terdekat , seengaknya. minta di cek in si bot.

klo parah berarti di kena blok ato musti ganti android sesuai region

edit. dansa sama bot oh yes please

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We're only missing Gil, Ozy and Artoria and this game is complete. Or just put gacha into this game lol. Need so many characters (Ereshkigal, Ishtar, Merlin, Enkidu, Astolfo etc.) Love this game! happy 5th Anniversary everyone!



Gameplay is shit, circles appear and approach too fast for my liking. I cant really read japanese so i dont know if theres an option to make it slower, please say if there is. Id like it if they had a background dim. This is coming from a Bang Dream player who likes to show character cut-in's. Why? The earlier levels have bright bg's and they dont really mix well with white circles . But honestly who CARES about that? ITS FATE. ITS A FATE RHYTHM GAME. I CAN PLAY SHIKISAI AND ALL MY FAVOURITE FGO OPENINGS AYYYYYYY

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