Simple tower defense game using waifus, though if can be complicated if you dont have the specific units to make the stages easy. Music and story is where this game shines the most, game progression is simple but can take a long time just to upgrade units if you're unlucky with material drops. Very f2p friendly with gacha currency farming, pity system is good as it only takes 50 rolls to proc more % chance to get 6* banner rotation is great so you can always get the character you want eventually. Auto function works great as it mimics your unit deployment rotation. Cons are the gacha pity system, theres no gurantee way to get the character you want on banner, i have rolled numerous times and gotten off banner character which resets your pity counter. material drop rate can suck for certain stuff and take upgrading longer to do especially if youre new to the game.
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4.4DISCLAIMER [If your unit almost died you can retreat it for recycled points] for those who weren't prepared for the game the trick for rerolling is Play the game until map 01 ---->surrender to avoid wasting time then proceed to claim gift and gacha if you don't like the guaranteed 6 star just overwrite By clear arknights Data then proceed to Google settings--->ads--->reset advertising ID THE good 6 star are (silver ash ,siege and Exusiai). After getting the above don't claim you pre reg 5 star ticket yet. do a 10x roll first for something that you want so your early team spread out better. Because the game punish you for stacking level on one unit and having too much of the same attribute so better make your team diverse so you don't get hardlock at the start Then for the pre register 5 star It offer you 4 operator which is Red project (spamable redeployment=good bait fodder) Silence (fast healer and can accelerate other healer ) Liskarm (tank+stun) Pramanix (high Dmg magic in general) Pick one that you lack after doing the 10x pull because everyone on the list is good T1 Anyway Goodluck on the search and happy hunting P.S game better than girl front line [怪笑]