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Food Fantasy | Global

Food Fantasy | Global

Food Fantasy: New Journey



el juego es bastante bueno. Lo he jugado antes , pero no se por que al descargarlo , me sale error de actualización y se llega a acomular hasta mil errores .

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Dolly Demure


My favorite game ever! I whaled on Elex's version from the beginning of its release and am starting a new account on New Journey because Elex had been dropping the ball on keeping that server updated with content. Hopefully it picks up again, but in the meantime, I will enjoy this server [開心] I love the game, the stories, the competitiveness between players, the progression, the characters and the beautiful art. My adoration honestly can't do it justice. If you're on the fence, just give it a shot. You don't need to spend money if you don't want, it's pretty casual friendly if you're patient. I sure don't regret spending money on this game. A lot of effort was put into it and it's my way of showing appreciation for all the hard work [賣萌] Thank you for such an in-depth, enjoyable experience![色色]



I'm disappointed for this version when they decide to ignore player's question and start making changes without notifications. Since more player start to be less active, I understand why though, the system start to going upside down. Disaster at 2am (my time) and bugs translation everywhere, like every time after new update, new bugs appear on the normal one. [不滿][發困] nay my review dropped. not gonna stars anymore. Different people, different opinion so don't let mine bother you though~[厲害]

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