開頭畫面左上角第二項(重刷專用)清除帳號資料,不只是把手機端的資料清除,還會連伺服器端的也清掉。按了那個選項,可能連已綁定Google Play的也被作廢!如想保留舊帳又想重刷或玩別的帳號,最好選手機(清除儲存空間)或把整個遊戲刪除重載才安全。另外,開始標題畫面右下方須沒ID情況下才可轉移帳號。主角可無限復活,但其它隊員如果右上角的心情過低,(心情過低會影響復活成功率)連續復活失敗兩次就極可能永久喪失該角色!所以第二次最好用綠寶石或旅卷可100%成功復活. 冒險如遇敵過強,隊員心情偏低又死傷慘重!最佳解決方案是主角自殺,然後選再起之火(每3小時補1顆),全隊可免費連續三次回至戰鬥前狀態。之後想辦法遠離那場戰鬥.切勿選另一死亡回城選項。以防萬一,平時冒險切記要放把脫出鉤子在身,不論生死,心情低於50%以下變灰時,應當心!建議找個安全地方,下線休息一會即可自動回上去,無論上下線每6分鐘回1點心情。
主角建議選中立性格,一開始問問題時前9題都選2,第10題選3就是中立,暫時中立較容易搭配其它隊員有助加強Buff效果.角色分配點選最高的集中全加其中一項即可,因為之後的升級全內定自動隨機分配,戰士+力_騎士+生命力_盜賊+器用_僧侶+信仰心_法師+知恵.新人盡早在道具店買[王國騎士之劍]&[銀細工之杖]並強化+4或5,因為我打完兩回B8F Boss至今,還沒開寶箱得過比以上更強力泛用的武器。地牢冒險不定期會碰見1000G賣骨頭的人,不買將來必後悔!所有等級突破關卡(等級之證)都很地獄,但只需1人生存通關,其他的可去寶石店以石換證。破關技巧:多帶魔法卷,途中小怪全避/逃(單線路徑如沖不過去,可多嘗試坐等敵人來撞你再逃可沖破),打不過等級突破BOSS也不用急,因滿級後打怪經驗值會隱藏全蓄存下來不會浪費。主線有許多對話選項,如不跟從官方統一攻略選擇也無所謂,因為過完B8F關不久,破廟會有個類似時光機功能的選項,它可以不斷重遊舊地重刷重選對話選項,但代價需走許多回頭路。完美主義者最好跟攻略走。
攻略A: https://kamigame.jp/wiz-daphne/index.html
攻略B: https://gamerch.com/wizardry-daphne/878503
攻略C: https://ameblo.jp/12alex345/
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P Stands for Pupunator
4.8I played Wizardry 1 to Wizardry in PS2. Let me be clear as this game is a faithful rendition of the classic Wizardry games. I've seen a bunch of reviews complaining about thief being weak in damage ofc THIEVES doesn't exist to fight in Wizardry games they exist just to disarm chest and look for traps. Ninja is a weaker version of Fighter with a bunch of weak spells and a weaker disarm proficiency than thieves. Permadeath and aging is present in the classics. I'm surprised that they didnt include aging process wherein your character dies of old age and you can inherit their skills then again Aging doesn't work on a gacha game! What classes to use? When mapping out the abyss it's recommended to use 1 knight 3 fighters 1 priest 1 mage or 3 fighters 2 mages 1 priest you get the point that thieves aren't so useful in combat. When mapped out or grinding for chests that't the time to use a thief. Mage exists to spam Katino this spell is your bestfriend. When an enemy is asleep you deal x1. 5 damage. Don't use 2 handed weapons on a front row character always use sword and shield. Bow-Fighter at the back row is ideal for a 1 knight 3 fighters 1 mage 1 priest group. This game is designed to use multiple types/classes like the original and so far low rarity units on WDaphne has almost the same stats as a legendary given the correct race for their racial stats. The only thing I don't like is their bonus stats varies when you pull them. Lastly Wizardry is a game that is designed to punish you brutally some enemies can one shot decapitate your head or inflict paralysis on your entire party. The game teaches you to be patient, when to block and when to use a certain skill/spell once you're use to it you will be having fun!
4.6definitely the best game out there, better than another eden(chrono 3?) so WVD is number one and AE is number 2. It's too good to be a phone game holy crap. I haven't played much Wizardry games only Wizardry Gaiden and Wizardry 1 remake for Saturn but yeah, definitely great.