game nya sangat bagus sekali dan ramah buat player f2p, apalagi desain karakter nya bagus bagus story juga bagus tapi story nya kok dikit ya' kalo bisa di tambahin lagi dong story nya biar tambah seru dan untuk serum nya tolong dong buat jadi agak alot atau buat dapet serum nya jadiin lebih mudah soalnya kalo udah habis jadi bingung mau main apa lagi, cuman ini sih yang bisa ku sampaikan terimakasih Dev
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3.0English version ples
Từ Vinh
4.8I need global version, plsssss - About game play: really fun and strategy style. Once you can clear stage with 3* you can sweep it later on. Since you dont't need to clear stages, farm and fishing is additional contents for you to waste your time. Spa need certain condition to put your character in there, i haven't found out yet (will update later) but from intro it's this [開心] good. End game content is some kind of tower where damage check is tie with 8 turn rotation, it's heavy rotation and team building - Sound: nice and chill. Current event has really nice BGM that make me keep my phone up and hear it all the day. You can recognize some famous VA in an instance - Graphics: Turn on energy bead and use skill will make them like using noble phantasm in FGO and they look coooooool. Every characters look unique and you can definitely find one you like in this game. Just, not 100% are elflves like game title. Boba is a thing too [鬼臉] - Storyline : I dont'tunderstand Chinese so i will skip this part update 1: i forget to mention that game is really f2p friendly. some skins are sold with in-game money, some are sold with real money. the character looks good already so skins are luxury stuff if u want to buy them