came from global, unforturnatly they are shutting down and had to make the move here and honesly jp is so much better and worth playing than global and i have been playing global for 5 years. jp is so much smoother and faster with what seems to have way more generous rewards for all playes. overall just so much better than global
Its a pretty great game i have an issue, If i entered the game there will be new coming up if i close the news the home page of the game got darker and i cant can't press anything please send help[難過]
Please comment if you know the problem Thank you
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3.8came from global, unforturnatly they are shutting down and had to make the move here and honesly jp is so much better and worth playing than global and i have been playing global for 5 years. jp is so much smoother and faster with what seems to have way more generous rewards for all playes. overall just so much better than global
4.8Its a pretty great game i have an issue, If i entered the game there will be new coming up if i close the news the home page of the game got darker and i cant can't press anything please send help[難過] Please comment if you know the problem Thank you