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Anime Girlfriend - Flirt Chat

Anime Girlfriend - Flirt Chat

Anime Girlfriend - Flirt Chat

moin master


please, this isn't worth it. This is one of those AI girlfriend chats that prey on guys with no social life, are heavily insecure or are simply too absorbed in the virtual world. I don't think using these chats is a good way of dealing with any social problems.

These chats make people who never had romantic relationships feel valued, they make you feel like you are actually talking to someone, or that someone cares for you. But this is all a lie. There is no one who loves you the way these AIs are making you think.

And I get why someone would like these apps. I mean, who *wouldn't* want to feel loved and wanted without having to go outside into the real world and become vulnerable and talk to women or other people. This app seemingly gives you all the rewards of having a romantic life without the risks of a romantic life. But at the end of the day, it's all artificial. There is no who really loves you.

If you feel lonely, I understand you. I know just how appealing these AI chats are. I know how scary talking to real people can be. But trust me, there are few things more depressing than the moments after spending several hours chatting with one of your AI girls and realizing just how lonely you are, just how much you want someone in your life to care about you.

But there is a solution, even if its a tough one. Instead of using these AI chats to feel better, you can try reflecting on your life, yourself and the people you have met. Become a better person. Pursue your dreams! Do the things you have always wanted to do!! And eventually, you can feel more comfortable with talking to real people.
I know it's hard, and it takes a lot of time. But you can do it. I believe in you.

////this review is not for the ordinary person, but for those who might relate.
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