Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy

Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy

Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy



Одна из лучших японских игр которые я играла. Тут нет ничего такого что бы резало глаза и слух, всё вполне приятно и не притарно, сюжет я правда либо иногда читаю либо иногда скипаю (спасибо экранному переводчику, а то нихера бы не поняла).
Модельки персонажей во время боя такие прикольные, особенно когда на ускорении они бегут на следующий раунд боя. Карточки персов и сами их модельки хорошо проработаны и приятны глазу, и что же может быть намного лучше этих мужиков? КОНЕЧНО ЖЕ ФЕИ!!
Феи мне понравились как то намного больше чем сами персонажи, их модельки во время боя очень такие мини-чиби и прикольные, хочется всех и сразу, и с их эволюцией (когда повысишь им ур. до 40) нет проблем, они так даже лучше смотрятся, да и с баннеров они падают почти по 3штк. сразу.
В общем я очень довольна ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙.

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It's a neat casual joseimuke! I wasn't really that into Yume 100 so I'm not sure if I'm missing out on stuff while I follow the storyline of Yumekuro. Other than that, let me offer my two cents [鬼臉] Graphics and art are really amazing! The character art, CGs in the story, and environment are very well made and definitely eye candy. The animation and opening theme song ("inverted world" sung by Miho Karasawa) for the game is really beautiful! Probably one of the few opening themes I didn't skip (along with mahoyaku lol). Gameplay is nothing new. Think of the game as priconne, but with an all-male cast [微笑] Battle is auto, other than the main units/meisters, you have fairies/support units as well. They all have a designted role when it comes to optimizing your team, so make sure you at least have one shielder and healer. The characters can be evolved from 1* to 6* which unlocks I think the full art? You can pull rarities ranging from 2*-4* in gacha, you'll have to evolve them by collecting more character stones(?). Gacha is separated into two, the meisters and the fairies. [Edit: Full art can be unlocked once you meet the requirements! Lvl. 40 and by reading the meister/fairy stories, in which the dialogue you select will determine whether you get the 'sun' or 'moon' CG.] I mostly checked it out since the cast was star studded, seiyuus like Fukujun, Shimonnu, Tarori, Shoutan, Tosshi, and everyone's Achilles' heel, Mr. Tsuda Kenjirou himself; the cast has goat seiyuus (singers, stage actors, and even utaite!) and some rookies as well! Do try it out, it's worth the shot! I'll be playing until all characters are released. May your best boy spook you [開心]



better than i expected! nyoba main gegara kangen yume100. bedanya sih klo di yume100 itu kea game marble gitu, disini battle. karakternya banyak juga, kalo gasalah sekitar 80-an? plus seiyuu-nyaaa!! banyak seiyuu yg aku suka disini, termasuk tsudaken T^T♡ untuk cerita udh pasti beda yaa walau di universe yg sama. [update] aku udah nyelesain main storynya dan aku ga nyangka aku bakal sesuka ini shsjsh. menurut aku alur sama flow ceritanya bikin betah. [SPOILER] kalau aku ga salah konek, mc disini guildkeeper yg ngikutin jejak neneknya. nanti mc ketemu sama orang² yg nyariin dia setelah disuruh ayahnya si mc lewat surat habis dia (si ayah) tiba² menghilang. padahal yg mc tau, ortunya meninggal gegara kecelakaan pas dia masih kecil. sisanya aku belum baca, silahkan cek sendiri ;D gacha pertama bisa reroll sampe mampus. cuma bisa dapet 1 4 star (paling rare) sih, tpi 3 starnya bisa lebih. battlenya default auto, tapi rasanya aku ada liat di setting buat matiin autonya. di battle ini (kalau auto) kita cuma ngatur kapan make skill karakter kita & skill mc. kita juga bisa naruh black fairy ke karakter buat ngebuff mereka. (aku masih ga tau dimana buat liat pasangan black fairy-mestier selain dari liat desc pv mereka di yt) di menu guild life ada chibi karakter² yg kita punya di guild home mereka. disini kadang² ada event random gitu yg bisa kita baca. ada juga fitur chat, order (buat grind material), jalan², sama guild tree yg belum aku unlock. jalan² ini semacam date lah, bisa toel² dan ngasih hadiah ke karakter yg kita pilih sampe dia capek sama kita /j itu aja dari aku, sekian, terima victor jadi swami🙏

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