Love Live! SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE! | Global

Love Live! SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE! | Global

Love Live! SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE! | Global

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WOO TIME TO WAFFLE ON AGAIN I didn't even realize this "doomed from the start" game released at the start of the month until I started seeing assorted screenshots of it around. And evidently, for a few days, neither did the lot maintaining the games list on QooApp! I barely paid attention to the JP version of SIF2 (probably because a certain small non-rhythm game released around the same time was taking up my attention), so most all of what I observed is new to me. I'll try to ignore the part where they screwed over data linking for EU players a year ago... even though that was the main reason I told myself I'd just ignore SIF2... and then I didn't I can't find the motivation to play much, but basically it feels like a weird fusion of original SIF and SIF All Stars, with SIF's gameplay (and all the same charts minus Easy?). As far as I can tell, every song is available off the bat which is... nice? There's... a surprising amount of UI customization for gameplay, considering everything. Idolized UR cards, for the most part, do have animation? But they're not much of a step above modern "barely animated past BG effects and eyes" D4DJ 4* cards Man, IDK. What a weird terrible timeline for Love Live games, from "everything (except AC)" to "nothing aside from Link! Like! Love Live!" in the span of a bit over a year because SOMEONE in management decided OG LLSIF wasn't up to spec with all the other idol rhythm games out there, actually acted on it, and started some kind of cursed domino effect. While, say, Bandori has already been through several large updates without actually yeeting the original app to stay "up to spec" (3D MV jumpscare), global LLSIF2 uhh... launched with a shutdown date already determined? 🫠 Even as someone who doesn't really like LL or its music that much, it's still jarring to see the series' games basically being yeeted out the window because... ?????? Also it's a bit wacky that the idols' icons in the "text message" conversations (WHY DOES EVERY GAME HAVE "TEXTING" CONVOS NOW) somehow change based on their mood What kind of witchcraft



terrible on my point of view... that's a misery that they didn't put 90% UR chance, because then what's the point

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