Worst UI/notification system I have ever seen in a mobile game like this...
The only one when you still get red marks on things you CAN'T GET WITHOUT PAYING
I love this game. the character art is wonderful, the names are playful, and best of all, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. This game has red dot notifications for things to do... so I mechanically try to turn them off. That's all, really. but I'm having a good time.
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4.6我玩了40天,白嫖零氪单一枚,大概写一写我的体验 资源获取💎: 每天白嫖党大概可以获得3000左右的钻石(前期有很多很多送的资源,完全不会卡)但是到了前中期,经验资源有点少,不够升级,不过各种各样的活动送了很多资源包可以自选。中期金币也不够了,慢慢攒问题不大的 成长体验☄️: 我个人认为战力增长是非常快的,会有很大很大成就感。前期可以逛逛论坛,看看有没有适合自己的阵容,喜欢的角色。我是偏强度党,所以我前期把重心放在战力提升上面了。但是在开启种族豆蔓以后有些吃力,毕竟我打的偏风队,目前水系豆蔓卡在120左右,用白雪支撑。 氪金度💰: 凭经验,感觉v3收益最大(特殊召唤可以拿五星本体或者材料)但是我是白嫖党,我的游戏体验也非常好,什么东西都可以免费获得,慢慢也可以升级 平衡性⚖️: 说实话平衡性有点低,光暗确实很强,但是平民党养不起,所以我选择了风系。光暗的材料和爆率都很低,所以建议白嫖党和平民党选择三系角色。 策略深度🪢: 有一定的策略,不过可以多试几次,一般卡关多打几次就过去了。也有可能有阵容,技能的策略我还没有探索到。 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋 写在最后 活动真的真的真的很良心!基本上一个活动获得一只本体!!欧的话可以两只!各种排行榜奖励领到手软!!!
BIN ran
5.0I love this game. the character art is wonderful, the names are playful, and best of all, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. This game has red dot notifications for things to do... so I mechanically try to turn them off. That's all, really. but I'm having a good time.