送石還可以,開場送十抽十選一,都是一般手遊職業分類,6人隊伍。但SS級之間高低差很遠,SSNoam渣過S級Iron fist很多倍。見Noam都不要選。
Team up merc戰強迫自動又不會放回血技,PVP又極速降奶量,奶媽型職業作用不大(可能除了Diva)support還是用Seer 之類輔助型比較好。
某些角色升星可由下級升上來(Rik, saki之類),但有些強力角如Amy, Taki是無法用下級升上來升星,建議可先由doctor victor那邊查看那些角色比較有前景。
而第3技卡片可用該角色本身Energy 升級,各隊員角色上方黃色格為能量(最多4格),一般3技為T1,升為T2需2格,升T3要消耗4格。某些角色被動技能會影響能量值額外增加,如一開場就可以放T2技之類。
More Reviews of This Game More
3.6The game is ok. Not superb tier, but not bad either. After I played for several hours (now my game account lvl 21) didn't find any bugs. Gameplay is good, character design is very good. Character development system is ok, especially the part where player can upgrade b-tier character to sss-tier character, but half of the characters roster are those 'upgrades'. Storyline of the game is ok, a bit similar to Cyberpunk 2077 story in the beginning, but after some chapters it will change. Sound is the weak spot of this game. Soundtracks of this game just average and characters lacking some good voicelines. Overall Cyber Rebelion is a good game 7.5/10
3.4ill adjust my score after a bit of play but its meh so far.