1. 神优化:省电 省空间 画质还不错
2. yome系统:你自己的赛博队友 整挺好
3. 接近的传统mmorpg体验
4. 大后期的mmo体验 主打一个就算是新人也能砍瓜切菜虐boss的伤害溢出感 不可能卡关
1. 欧派可调范围太小了太小了太小了(划重点) 捏人受限
2. 汉化错别字漏字一点点多 虽然不影响阅读
3. 大部分地图看不见别的玩家的yome 很可惜
4. 氪金档位不全面 要么中重氪要么被迫白嫖 建议考虑分区定价更好压榨玩家钱包
5. 给一个材料定位系统好不好 没材料都不知道去哪采集 只能翻到大致地图位置 略显折磨
6. 部分剧情路线引导稍微不充分
7. 新手起步和火箭一样 成长太快了 进去后先三两下抽一波gacha拿到4-5星装备 主线任务毫无悬念和成长感一路砍瓜切菜 体验有点牛嚼华莱士似的拉稀感
8. 新手教程没介绍到的东西有很多 比如活动入口和日常材料入口 建议多点教程
9. 家具任务的五张床是哪个小天才想出来的指标?提拔他去别的游戏做策划好不好
More Reviews of This Game More
4.0edit: The colorful stone are philosopher stone (PS) for gacha And the bluish one are the alchemy stone (AS)(iirc, i think they change the name), for trading item at the mall And here lies the problem. well, the gacha change for the worst. Not by content, but by value. Now on, it's hard to get PS. The meaning to get stones only by grinding events (for now). I dunno what else players can do to get this free stones in the future. There is free 10 pull gacha, but it only around till the end of august, its unclear what will happened later. For the one this September, the free ten pull only last around 10 days before it completely gone. I dunno what happened, it may come back next month or may not at all. My heart bleeds for the newbies. The daily and achievement reward change from PS to AS. The quantity are the problem. U can only get around 30 (iirc) AS from daily and achievement. It was bad because u need 6000 AS to exchange 1 armor or weapon ticket.
Si Fore
3.8This is a turned base, multi job, grindy MMORPG. The game is a "Pay to Win" IF you focus only its market. To be able to enjoy this as a F2p, you need to do some research, pretty much weapons are not the problem here. Even currency is not a problem also the enhancement of both gears and skills. Pretty much, cuz of the YOME system, armor is the least to be worried about. DMG Limit is the main issue which can gain on some UR gears and mostly by max level all the jobs which can be a hell grindy(8-10hrs just to lvl up w/ out buffs) or just lazily do 3 dungeon runs that gives a total 1.5M exp.Every job has a unique combat style that turn a 10k dmg into 300k dmg, which is sometimes the devs didn't bother to explain how to do it...