Gameplay wise solid turn based game, characters has different classes and different colour types(3).
Graphics is top notch, with proper well made cutscenes.
gacha rates are some what decent atleast on paper (4% for SSR) with pity after 200 pulls, the pity wont reset even if get a SSR . you can get the featured ssr with 0.75% drop and featured ssr card with 0.5% both in the same banner
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5.0[UPDATE] I really love the new dispatch system here. It really helpful for farming quickly while I'm busy at work. This game is fun, even if it's just a turn-based 💕💕. I really enjoy it so far. I also love the graphics. It's amazing and really fun! Can't wait for the global version! ✨👀
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5.0เทคนิคฟามเพชรๆม่ลับ 😁 https://youtu.be/sAcWlQP2qJQ สอนสมัครและวิธีแก้เข้าเกมไม่ได้🤓 https://youtu.be/d5MP2ia6x8s ีรีวิวสกิลแอสต้าร่างปีศาจจะเข้าวันไหน https://youtu.be/umygCQfusn4?si=12-GBpZzFpfCpHIR