Note: apparently they are banning players who are lucky in getting so many girls for the sole reason of "your power is higher compared to your current level" and getting a lot of girls and/or whaling bloats your power, so yeah, you get banned
Graphics: 3/5
lewd? yes, but, bad l2d animations
Sounds: 2/5
Atleast it has free skip function to all fights
Dont even think about it, everything is MTL
Shoves 100$ to 300$ packages to your face
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Rie Ichinose
1.8Note: apparently they are banning players who are lucky in getting so many girls for the sole reason of "your power is higher compared to your current level" and getting a lot of girls and/or whaling bloats your power, so yeah, you get banned Graphics: 3/5 lewd? yes, but, bad l2d animations Sounds: 2/5 Gameplay:2/5 Atleast it has free skip function to all fights Storyline:1/5 Dont even think about it, everything is MTL Value:1/5 Shoves 100$ to 300$ packages to your face
4.4Mr Qoo snuck another one in, didnt even see it on the game catelog, such a man of culture! The models could use a little polish with the L2D tho