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Aster Tatariqus

Aster Tatariqus

Aster Tatariqus




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Yuri Hyuga


Short version, basically fire emblem with 3% gacha rate and no redo rolls, but very easy to recreate account which passes everything to reroll all things; now panda verion. So, I view this game as I would an ex in a way, bros will know what I mean. She makes me notice her, she starts teasing me with the way she looks and tells me of all the fun I will have with her, everything sounds as amazing, then you give a bit of attention and it is going great, so then you make the move (gacha pull) and bam! you get done in raw, but she teases you now and then; leading you on as if you got a chance. So what do you need? What every other crazy person does when they are bored! you go for it again, but this time you get that old fashion batman comic book style wham! Next thing you know you wasted your day. Yet she keeps on enticing, filling your head with sweet lies, saying, "I love you baby, I swear I am tight." Lies! The milk has gone bad, and every part of that body is used up, tattoos all over of a bunch guys names, and where the eggs at? You are used goods, the package is great to look at, but the usability is pure shizzz. She refuses to leave you alone though, she keeps reminding how amazing awesome things can be, she keeps luring you in with that body; only to smash your hopes and dreams every single time you are about to giving her the meanest 3 inches of her life. I laughed way to hard there at the end and had to stop. Good game if you enjoy fire emblem mechanics, hope you all get passed gacha nightmare and have a good laugh reading this insanity as I did typing it.



This gonna be kinda Long words from me Status : Already Finished Main Story with 2 Routes (Guinevere & Lancelot) Personal Opinion : God, I love & be grateful Aster is live even still Japanese ver. With how everything come from Persona 5, Fire Emblem series, even Heaven Burns Red life mechanics come into one which is Aster itself (from Gameplay, Strategy, Daily Life, etc were pretty close) make me really enjoy the game with more deeper. After The Alchemist Code, I thought in future there won't be any SRPG like them until Aster come, even though the Gameplay is not as simple as what we have rn especially new game in 2023 (mostly only important selling fan service products) and ofc it cost time to even clear single stage, but once you done with it, your satisfaction will eventually burst out (that if you are a Story enjoyer like me). No matter even I don't have enough AP to continue, with how curious I am as an Story Enjoyer, that make me want to rush using AP Potion even sometimes I need to use Gems for that just for Story. Contents : So basically like Visual Novel, you option is important as how it will lead you to different future depending on who will you choose to stay on your side. From April it might be mediocre, but once you done after that the story show their fangs. The Story, The Soundtrack become more ferocious (banger ofc) and even more in further. Even though Aster appear as Gacha Game instead, kinda glad with how I have another Alchemist Code game. Gacha, Units, & How to Grow : Another 3% Rate to get *5 Character & UR Graph as highest Rarity on this game. But you have to note that even you have more *5 units, it's not always Guaranteed to carry you brainlessly, you need Gears & continuously unlocking their Style Board to make them strong. But even to get Gear is quite limited with how you act in Main Story to get em, so be careful on that. Certain Low Stars is also good to build Especially the Quadra of Main Story Character (Noir, Guinevere, Dinatan, Lancelot). Gotta tell you that Noir is too insane as our MC, with how game give more piece for him until he become a *5, he become one that will carry you the most. Healer is most important unit in certain long-battle stage, so keep to raise your Healer. It's because the amount unit u need to bring into stage will occasionally more bigger (up to 15 units). How you grow is quite specific as how Fire Emblem series does, every act will give you exp (Killing, Hitting, Healing, etc) personally. Killing will give exp the most, but it doesn't mean that Healer can't grow faster. Healer still can get significant exp with how much amount healing the healer give. Since all style can use Specific Main & Sub Weapon, even healer can be DPS will get more exp and grow faster if you give them kill. I read that certain people or actually alot with Japanese audience that keep spitting their complain for game being hard and with lots of opinion that is worthless and pointless to tell (there's various reason but I won't tell more than that), those people only play the game in like one day or so and then quit for their own frustation. Most reason I could tell maybe it cost so much time and difficulty spike. Trust me, once you go deep into the game, you will slowly grow an appreciation for this game. So please go deep into it first before you start conclusing! Level of Main Story I will rate as good as Heaven Burns Red with their daily mechanic works. Understanding that gumi reputation were going bad especially with what happen to Sakura Ignoramus, but it's better to give them chance to maintain their role to deliver game for us.

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