sangat halus untuk game 2D dengan karakter chibi yang menarik dan transisi yang halus
seperti game dengan tipe JRPG, sangat suka dengan background soundnya
karakter chibi dengan tipe turn based dengan posisi 3x3 tile dan 5 character, first impression cukup susah karena kadang kita harus benar-benar menyesuaikan skill yang ada dengan monster yang kita lawan, dan yang pasti jangan bermain dengan auto (auto defeat)
mengingatkan jaman dulu saat maen nitendo, jadi kita bermain berdasarkan kaset yang kita punya, cukup menyenangkan
sebenarnya game ini menjanjikan, tetapi bug nya terlalu banyak sehingga membuat malas saat kita bermain, dan problem itu bergantian, developer terlalu terburu-buru untuk launching gamenya padahal first impression adalah hal yang paling utama untuk stay or not
More Reviews of This Game More
4.8The 2D character images are beautiful! Decently engaging story so far. Combat is,...interesting. It might not be appealing to some people, as it is turn-based and tactical on a 3×4 grid. I just wish there was an option to change moving characters on the grid to "point-and-click" instead of dragging, since it is rather clunky. The gacha rates for 5-stars is pretty abysmal, but as of the Aug. 16th update, the pity system has been reworked and should prove to be a significant improvement over the original system. The rice (stamina) daily cap is a bit low, like the problem Genshin had with resin at the start. They recently ran an event where it was doubled to 80, and it felt pretty good at that number. Hopefully they eventually decide to just make 80 the cap permanently. But yeah, definitely enjoying this game!
4.6superb graphics, great storyline, a lot of content and very f2p (seriously, they threw aat me dozen of items 1 hour into the game (not from login bonus, purely from gameplay). what else can you ask for?[開心] Edit: 1st anni goes HARD, they definately went all out