[This game is no longer in operation.]
☞ Other Version(s): Japanese | Traditional Chinese
Re: Zero Infinity is a mobile RPG card game that originates from the Re: Zero series.
On a ordinary day, a highschool student entered another world. In that world, he would meet new friends and went on a dangerous journey. As he acquired the ability to escape death, would he be able to save the girl who was destined to die?
■ Real-time interaction with in game characters. You could learn more about their story and develop a deeper relationship with them by sending them their favourite gifts, and they would accompany you along your journey.
■ Beautifully designed scenery and flashy skills that originates from the original series.
■ The in-game dialogues are voiced over by the original CVs.
Original Source/Artist: Pixiv@HaruSabin
Source Link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/90675896
Will post husbando pic everyday with credits of artists! Follow for more tomorrow!
Source: Pixiv@Lococo:p
Link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/83316110