Home > Game Store > Cover the Ball: Brain Puzzles
Are you a fan of brain games and eager to test your logical skills? Look no further than Cover the Ball, an engaging and relaxing ball puzzle game where your objective is to save the fun puzzle balls from tiny enemy creatures.

This super fun puzzle game will challenge your brain and keep you entertained for hours with its relaxing brain puzzles.

Cover the Ball is a concept like Save the Ball isn't just a puzzle game; it's a workout for your brain. Each level is based on logic puzzles that require careful planning, strategic thinking, and foresight. As you progress, you'll find yourself developing advanced problem-solving skills and boosting your IQ. With a variety of levels, you'll never run out of challenges to overcome.

Don't miss out on the fun this relaxing ball game offers. Try this Cover the Ball Brain game and start your journey through a world of fun challenging puzzles and addictive gameplay. Your next adventure with these brain puzzles awaits!
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