Home > Game Store > Namuami-UTENA-

[This game is no longer in operation.]


[The game server was shut down on 31 Aug 2020.]

Namuami-UTENA- is a modern-day RPG mobile game where the story revolves a group of demons who disturb the peace of our civilization. To fend off this invasion, you’ll have the option to choose between many buddha warriors and fight for the sake of mankind.
Selected Note

**Mainscreen Translation**
I'm still exploring the game so here is a simple translation! Will update more guide on the game later![厲害]

Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 4.5
240 Rating(s), 151 Comment(s)
Selected Note

**Mainscreen Translation**
I'm still exploring the game so here is a simple translation! Will update more guide on the game later![厲害]

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