Home > Game Store > King of Prism: Prism Rush!

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[The game server will shut down on 29 Oct 2020.]

King of Prism: Prism Rush! Live contains a wide collection of songs from the bands in the franchise. The original story is based on the franchise’s latest animation movie King of Prism: PRIDE the HERO. It focuses on the events that happen between the first movie King of Prism and the upcoming movie.

Selected Note

Hi, everyone. I made these collages of all the boys from King of Prism blushing. Enjoy 😆


King of Prism: Prism Rush will end their services on October 29 at 12:00. They have opened all main stories, Road to Shiny Seven Stars, and all of the event stories. Any paid star jewels not used after the end date will be refunded. There's more information in the in game announcement. 

I'm heartbroken... I am going to miss this game. 😔

Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 4.3
636 Rating(s), 126 Comment(s)
Selected Note

Hi, everyone. I made these collages of all the boys from King of Prism blushing. Enjoy 😆


King of Prism: Prism Rush will end their services on October 29 at 12:00. They have opened all main stories, Road to Shiny Seven Stars, and all of the event stories. Any paid star jewels not used after the end date will be refunded. There's more information in the in game announcement. 

I'm heartbroken... I am going to miss this game. 😔

QRCode King of Prism: Prism Rush! 星光少年 KING OF PRISM LIVE will be installed on your device. avex pictures Inc.
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