Home > Game Store > Hello Hero:LionHeart
"10th Anniversary Project of Global IP Hello Hero, the originator of collective RPG"

- Hello Hero IP's vast world view and scenario
- Up to 268 kinds of attractive characters and costumes
- Unique and deep strategic battles and infinite growth content
- SNG-type village contents that will stimulate users' emotions

Introducing the game in detail
"Hello Hero – The Lionheart" is a collective strategy RPG that collects various characters from Hello Hero and engages in strategic battles with characters that have grown through constant dungeon and various contents.

In "Hello Hero - The Lionheart," all characters have a system in which they help each other, connect organically, and fight strategically.
By placing infinite growth factors with various contents, users can continue to provide daily growth feedback and create a continuous attachment to the game with content that can communicate with characters and other users in the game.
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 0.0
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