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Lenafine the Soul Alchemist is a RPG developed by Nekodorasoft (ねこどらソフト).
It is scheduled to release in mid May on iOS and Android.

Players will role-play as the young demon race girl, Lenafine, to lead the demons and monsters in battles.
You can form an army with a maximum of 30 demons.

It does not have the concept of "experience' in this game but instead, it has a "Soul Alchemy System".
To level up the demons, Lenafine needs to sneak in the maze called "The Soul Alchemy World".
The demons will grow stronger as she enters deeper.

Each demon / monster has their own "Talent". 
You can use limitless strategies while combining different talents.
In addition, you can use “Consecrate" to recycle the talents repeatedly to strengthen your army.


Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 3.2
6 Rating(s), 6 Comment(s)
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