Home > Game Store > EXTOCIUM - NFT, P2E, MMORPG
EXTOCIUM is a fantasy MMORPG developed by XTOLAB . In this game, hunt and craft items in Play to Earn Online MMORPG EXTOCIUM!
Earn cryptocurrency in cryptocurrency and NFT games!

Collect materials through hunting and summon heroes to create your NFT assets.
Try until a more valuable and powerful hero appears with your powerful luck!
If you collect a certain amount of gold in the game, you can swap it for cryptocurrency!

Collect various items through monster hunting, gathering, and raiding,
and make powerful weapons through crafting!
And you can trade your weapons on the market.
Enjoy an MMORPG that enables a true market economy through cryptocurrency and NFT!
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 2.3
5 Rating(s), 6 Comment(s)
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