Home > Game Store > Pyramid Solitaire 2022
Pyramid Solitaire 2022 is a card game based on classic solitaire games, which requires logic and strategy to clear all cards on the table. The smooth gameplay and beautiful themes will give you an amazing card game experience on mobile devices!

HOW TO PLAY Pyramid Solitaire 2022:

You will start out with a pyramid of cards, a deck of cards.
The goal of the game is to clear as many boards as possible by pairing two cards that equal to 13.
Kings have a value of 13 and it can be removed individually.
Queens have a value of 12, Jacks - 11, Aces - 1 and other cards have face value.
Once you matched a pair of cards, they disappear and you can work with cards from another row of your Pyramid, continuing your solitaire till all cards are gone.

Use the stock pile if you can't make any more moves on the pyramid. As you match cards off the bottom of the pyramid, you will start unveiling the next row of cards.

Pyramid Solitaire 2022 ends when you win by playing all cards or lose when no more cards can be played.

Download NOW Pyramid Solitaire 2022 ! The best solitaire game for free !
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