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VRoid Studio is an application to create 3D models of humanoid avatars (i.e. characters) developed by pixiv. This application runs on Windows and Mac and can be used for free by anyone. 3D models created with VRoid Studio are available on various VR/AR contents as avatars, both for commercial and non-commercial use.

A user simply has to create one character using VRoid Studio and they can use that character as their avatar on various VR/AR platforms that support the VRM format.

Recently, 3D models are vastly employed in VR/AR environments as Avatars to communicate with others, as Virtual YouTubers and more.
However, up until now, creating a character from zero has been something that very few people could do.
3D modeling software also tend to be perceived as very hard to use, requiring a very specific set of skills; even creators excelling in the 2D art field might have a hard time modeling their characters according to their own imagination, and the process itself can take a great amount of time.

The character maker VRoid Studio solves all these problems, as its ease of use allows anyone to create their ideal characters.

Click here to download: https://vroid.com/studio
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