Home > Game Store > Touhou Madouroku
Touhou Madouroku is a an action game developed by しろ.

The only control method is sliding!
Avoid the oncoming barrage with flair!

This is not an official game.
※English translation is incomplete and does not support conversational text, sorry!

【About the difficulty level】
For those who are new to bullet-hell shooters and want to play in a dreamy atmosphere.

For experienced players. You may be in danger if you are napping.

For expert players. There is little time to sleep.


【About this game】
This game is a secondary work of the Touhou Project by 上海アリス幻樂団.
All the materials used in the game are free materials.

The characters, the world, and the setting may differ from the original.

【Play videos and screenshots】
You can use the videos and screenshots as long as they are within the scope of the "動画配信サービスへの投稿に関するガイドライン" published by 上海アリス幻樂団. As for the rest, please follow the "東方Projectの二次創作ガイドライン".
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 4.7
109 Rating(s), 69 Comment(s)
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