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Dominion is a card game developed by Temple Gates Games LLC.

This is a game of building a deck of cards. The deck contains your resources, victory points, and the things you can do. It starts out a small collection of Estates and Coppers, but you hope that by the end of the game it will be brimming with Gold, Provinces, and the inhabitants of your kingdom.

You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes… dreams! You want a bigger kingdom, more pleasant, with more rivers, and a wider variety of trees. You want a Dominion!

▪ 2 - 6 player with network multiplayer
▪ Solo play against AI
▪ Thirteen expansions available for purchase
▪ Pass and Play mode
▪ Tutorial & Rules
▪ Jumbo Mode for accessibility
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 3.6
2 Rating(s), 1 Comment(s)
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