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Join the hot, fast-paced Stick Figure's gunfight!

Fight against enemy Stickmen armed with various weapons, and claim victory!

Buy new guns, customize them, learn new skills, and raise the Perks' level to enhance your combat abilities!

Avoid enemy attacks through quick decision and reaction, and defeat all enemies to win the battle!

Improve your Stickman and challenge harder difficulty!

Recent Update:
● New Perks: Technician / Infiltrator
● New Game Modes: Armored Strike / Stronghold / Base Infiltration / Siege / Siege-Z / TRM
● Added Shooting Range
● Tier System / Privileged Skills
● Improved Gore System
● Added Spawn Speed
● 61 New Weapons!
● 2 New Weapon Gadgets
● 14 New Character Gadgets
● New Grenade: Anti-Tank Mine
● 12 New Skills: Armorer / Berserker / Medicine
● Added Weapon Stopping Power
● More Language Supports: German / Portuguese / Spanish

Game Content:
● Easy Control: Avoid enemy attacks and shoot them!
● Unique and powerful Perks: The Gunslinger, specialized in Pistols and Revolvers, with fast reloading speed with high damage capacity, The Juggernaut, endure enemy attacks with high physical strength and defense abilities, The Rifleman, specialized in Assault Rifles, an excellent all-rounder weapon, The Shotgunner, powerful at close range combats, And the Assault Recon, specialized in avoiding enemy attacks and fight with SMG. The Machine Gunner specialized in fighting with LMG, and the Specialist, the perk with various combat bonuses. The Demolition, a powerful perk specialized using Explosive Weapons that can quickly destroy obstacles and vehicles, the Marksman, specialized in fighting with DMR, rapidly neutralizes multiple long-ranged targets, the Combat. Sniper, super-powerful long-ranged combat! And the Pyromaniac, great damage dealer with deadly flame weapons!
● Over 188 Unique Weapons: Automatic Pistols, Machine Pistols, Submachinegun, Assault Rifle, DMR, Light-machinegun, Shotguns, and now Grenade/Rocket Launchers! Now meet the Heavy Weapons: The Gatling Death Machine and 50 Caliber Machine Guns!
● More than 36 unique and useful skills: Physical skills that make your character more vital, Combat skills that enhance your combat capabilities, Defense skills that enhance your ability to survive longer, Luck skills that provide various gifts, and Avoidance skills that reduce damage by avoiding enemy attacks!
● Is your character boring without a personality? Decorate yourself with a variety of hats and back cosmetics!
● Various Game Modes: Bodycount, Gun Game, Onslaught, Zombie Invasion, and more...!
● Global Leaderboard: Challenge your score with people in the world!
● Continuous Updates: New Weapons and Perks, Skills, and Game Modes!
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 3.8
19 Rating(s), 17 Comment(s)
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