Home > Game Store > There is no game - Jam Edition
There is no game is puzzle game developed by Draw Me A Pixel. This version is a performance-enhanced version of the game, as several new scenes and voice-acting are added to the game. This is an unorthodox game that is advertised as "not a game". Players need to use imagination to solve different mysteries to arrive at the ending.

WINNER of the DeceptionJam in 2015.

This non-game has not been remade with a new game engine for better performances.
And we haven't included some new enhanced graphics and new voices.

If the game seems too slow, you can switch off the CRT effect in the options to improve the frame rate.

There is no game. There is nothing to do.
Do not tap anywhere. Really. DO NOT TAP ANYWHERE.
Do not laugh as there is nothing to laugh about.

Don't try to touch your mobile screen.
It's at your own risk!!

There is no game !

Voice : English
Subtitles : English/French
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 4.7
64 Rating(s), 55 Comment(s)
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