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Guitar Girl is a healing simulation game developed by NEOWIZ. In this game, there will be a cute girl playing guitar in her room. The player's job is to help her develop a fanbase using social media platforms so that more people can listen to the beautiful music from this girl.

I want to make people happy with my music.
Although I'm shy and unsure of myself,
I'll do my best to fulfill this dream!

Guitar Girl is a game where you can relax to soothing guitar music.
Start social media in Guitar Girl's room to acquire followers
and spread Guitar Girl's music to many more people.

Through social interactions and inner growth,
you'll soon be able to see her perform on the streets and even the beach.
Help her gain the courage to go out into the world :)

At Guitar Girl's Social Media Channel, you can...
- Enjoy peaceful soothing guitar music.
- Play the guitar by simply tapping on the screen.
- "Likes" on Guitar Girl's social media will encourage and help her grow.
- Grow a fanbase and level up guitar skills to receive more "Likes".
- How are you feeling today? Express today's mood with various different oufits and guitars.
- Decorate Guitar Girl's room with cute decor.
- Once Guitar Girl gets better at playing the guitar, she'll receive encores from her followers!
Selected Note

Guitar Girl
Me: Hmmmmm, maybe it's a good game (registered)
Guitar Girl (released)
Me: :O it's out, OMG the music is amazing!
Why is it SEASON 4 tho...?

Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 4.7
415 Rating(s), 255 Comment(s)
Selected Note

Guitar Girl
Me: Hmmmmm, maybe it's a good game (registered)
Guitar Girl (released)
Me: :O it's out, OMG the music is amazing!
Why is it SEASON 4 tho...?

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