Home > Game Store > DonutCat

Have you collected enough coins?
Adopt new kitties and buy various accessories!


Catch the weird two-footed donut!
With weird and happy harcore tapping and endless running!
-Master the hard patterns
-Get flowers and enjoy the dizzy mode!
-Collect coins on the way to use 'continue' and reach higher score!
-Everyplay integrated
-Boast your high score on Twitter and Facebook!


Dodododo dodododo do do~nut cat!
Like sipping on blueberry soda
Effervescing sparkling oh how ticklish it feels

My worldly-favorite donut
Dodododo dodododo do do~nutcat!
Dodododo do not run away hold right there
I almost have you, so just you wait
Dodododo dodododo do do~nutcat!

A naive Kitten and a clever donut on an epic chase! On a fish bone!?
Will the Kitty get a taste of the donut?

Follow Macaron game's fan page!

Warning: Highscore and coins will not be save if you erase the app.
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 0.0
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