Arc the Lad R | Japanese Notes
Arc The Lad R Gameplay, Tier List and Reroll Guide
It gives me a final fantasy feeling. Like an enchanted version of old FF games. ofc except gacha part. #gachagaming #gacha #trpg #ff Read Note
Arc The Lad R Gameplay, Tier List and Reroll Guide - YouTube
Arc The Lad R - surprisingly very quality Mobile TRPG with similar to Final Fantasy art/design and a good story. I&<a class="topic" target="_blank" href=";m">#39;m</a> really didn&<a class="topic" target="_blank" href=";t">#39;t</a> expecting anything from Ar...
It gives me a final fantasy feeling. Like an enchanted version of old FF games. ofc except gacha part. #gachagaming #gacha #trpg #ff Read Note
