SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2 | English Notes
*intense drums plays in the background* An angel appears and an eva point its gun *triii triii triii* The barrier breaks and the angel gets ready to fire its laser. *buuuuuuh* The eva dodges. The battle continues!
Oh how I love Neon Genesis Evangelion. The first anime I fell in love as a young teenager. I think it was the dark undertones and story telling of an apocalyptic world in the brink of destruction that got me hooked into this telling of a dark universe.
I loved the berserk collab, and I very much enjoyes the dmc and bayonetta collabs too. So when I got the update of an evangelion collab, my mind went bonkers!
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I loved the berserk collab, and I very much enjoyes the dmc and bayonetta collabs too. So when I got the update of an evangelion collab, my mind went bonkers!
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QooApp News
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 x Evangelion Collab is Out Now
The 5.5 anniversary of Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 brings a crossover event with Evangelion starting July 13! Read Note
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 x Evangelion Collab is Out Now - QooApp News
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 announced during its recent 5.5-anniversary live stream that the game's latest collaboration will be bringing characters from Neon Genesis Evangelion! Read Note

QooApp News
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 - A Bite-Sized RPG Celebrating the Series
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 may be a lesser-known entry of Atlus’s famous series, but it certainly brings its iconic strategic gameplay and notable demons to a more mobile adaptation right at your fingertips! Read Note
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 - A Bite-Sized RPG Celebrating the Series - QooApp News
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 may be one of the lesser-known entries into Atlus’s famous franchise, but it certainly brings iconic strategic gameplay and notable demons to a more mobile adaptation right at your fingertips. Read Note

Crazy but fun acolyte duo!
For those familiar with smt liberation main story line, these two were assassins sent to kill the liberators, but when things go to worst they switch sides and realize what is really worth fighting for. They always had each other from the very beginning, and no one can tell them what to do when it comes to who to protect: each other.
This isn't much of a showcase, but these are the eight demons I have been working hard for many months (years?) being f2p. This is my main squad, and my main strategy is to nuke hard with critical hits that target random and all enemies. My second main squad relies on debuffing enemies and lowering their turns so I can retaliate if they do attack first.
I might make another post showing each demons movesets and stats, but that may take a while. Anyhow, that is all for far. Take care!
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This isn't much of a showcase, but these are the eight demons I have been working hard for many months (years?) being f2p. This is my main squad, and my main strategy is to nuke hard with critical hits that target random and all enemies. My second main squad relies on debuffing enemies and lowering their turns so I can retaliate if they do attack first.
I might make another post showing each demons movesets and stats, but that may take a while. Anyhow, that is all for far. Take care!
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